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Essay/Term paper: Pollution control: costs and benefits

Essay, term paper, research paper:  Book Reports

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Pollution Control: Costs and Benefits

By deTocqueville

The root words for ecology and economy share the same meaning, they both
mean "home regulation". Critics have said that the economy will grow much
faster without concerns of polluting the environment. When people began to
preserve and clean the environment we live in, they faced many problems such as
brown-outs, increased inflation, more unemployment, and other economic setbacks.
Thus, the economy and environment were handled separately with respect to the
other. Of course, this upset many people and gave them a sense of insecurity in
their jobs. Some said that the United States of America could not afford to
preserve the environment and progress economically at the same time.
In very recent times, those same critics have changed their stand and
now believe that preserving and cleaning the environment while progressing
economically are achieved mutually. Government programs, the private sector,
and employees have produced a balance in the two economies through greater
morale and new business.
With the increased "environmental awareness," many new businesses have
been established based on pollution control. They regulate the standards on
pollution output and help to assure that businesses play by the rules. With the
reduction of pollution, we have seen many positive benefits for life in general.
No one really knows if the years before 1970, when pollution ran free, were
insignificant to today; however, those years do reflect very large economic


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